

On the Emergence, Development and Experience of Danish Folk High School
摘要 民众高等学校是丹麦首创的一种非正规成人学校,在世界范围内享有盛誉。丹麦民众高等学校的产生受到农业改革、政治改革、宗教改革和北欧神话的影响,其发展经历了初创、稳步发展、快速发展、转型发展、多元发展等五个阶段。为了生活的教育、人文主义与可持续发展的价值理念、民主自治的学校管理、完善的政策保障等历史经验,值得我们学习和借鉴。 Folk High School is one of the informal adult schools in Denmark and is well known around the world. The emergence of Danish folk high school is influenced by agricultural reform, political reform, religious reform and Nordic mythology. Its development has experienced five stages: start-up, steady development, rapid development, transformation development and diversified development. We should learn from the historical experience of “education for life”,“the value concept of humanism and sustainable development”,“democratic and autonomous school management”and “policy guarantee”.
作者 张仁杰 黄健 Zhang Renjie;Huang Jian(Graduate School of Education,University,Beijing,100871,China;Executive Development Program Centre,East China Normal University,Shanghai,200062,China)
出处 《教育科学探索》 2022年第2期87-96,共10页 THE SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION OF EDUCATION
关键词 丹麦 民众高等学校 产生 发展 历史经验 Denmark Folk High School Emergence Development Historical experience
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