

Discriminating n-γ Pulse Shape Methods Comparison of EJ339 Liquid Scintillation Detector
摘要 该课题通过实验数据测量和分析,比较EJ339液体闪烁体n-γ脉冲形状甄别上升时间法和电荷比较法的优劣。文中将EJ339液体闪烁体与数字化电路结合对传统的n-γ脉冲形状甄别方法进行了改进,通过对Ra-Be、Am-Be等中子源进行中子和7脉冲波形数据测量采集,对所采集的数据通过Matlab处理分析,得到了n-γ脉冲形状甄别两种方法的脉冲形状甄别PSD图和品质因子F0M值,根据分析结果,分别从直观上和定量分析上对两种方法做了比较。 This subject compares the pros and cons of EJ339 liquid scintillator n-γ pulse shape discrimination rise time method and charge comparison method through experimental data measurement and analysis.In this paper,the EJ339 liquid scintillator is combined with a digital circuit to improve the traditional n-γ pulse shape discrimination method.Through the measurement and acquisition of neutron and γ pulse waveform data from neutron sources such as Ra-Be and Am-Be,The collected data is processed and analyzed by Matlab,and the pulse shape discrimination PSD map and quality factor FOM value of the two methods of n-γ pulse shape discrimination are obtained.According to the analysis results,the two methods are compared visually and quantitatively.
作者 节帅 夏文明 梁成强 曲杰涛 陈志刚 JIE Shuai;XIA Wen-ming;LIANG Cheng-qiang;QU Jie-tao;CHEN Zhi-gang(College of Nuclear Science and Technology,Naval Univ.of Engineering,Wuhan 430033,China;Troops 92867 of PLA,Qingdao Shandong 266100,China)
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第5期859-865,共7页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 液体闪烁体 脉冲形状甄别 电荷比较法 上升时间法 Liquid Scintillator Pulse Shape Discrimination Charge Comparison Method Rise Time Method
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