利用变差度诊断分析,分析讨论了亚洲夏季风建立及前后(4月1日至6月30日)气候风场变差度的时空特征,发现北半球在4月10日和21日、5月15日和31日、6月11日和28日分别有6次大气环流大调整;变差度的大值区则均位于广义季风区;变差度确实是诊断大气环流调整和研究广义季风的客观定量工具。得到的主要结论如下:该6次环流大调整分别对应于春季来临(平流层极涡崩溃)、冬季环流彻底崩溃(仲春)、南海夏季风建立、南亚夏季风建立、江淮入梅(东亚夏季风建立)、梅雨间歇。南海夏季风建立是北半球季节转换中最强的环流调整(突变),该调整完成后北半球环流转为夏季形势;南海和南亚夏季风建立均与各层等压面上的全球环流调整有关,不是单一等压面上的局部现象。南海与南亚夏季风建立的环流调整在700 hPa上最明显;在850 hPa,南海夏季风建立最早出现于南海南部,南亚夏季风建立则最早出现在印度半岛西面的东阿拉伯海上。冬季环流崩溃、南海、南亚及东亚夏季风建立均与北半球对流层中层副热带高压、高层南亚高压以及平流层青藏高压三者的脊线北移有关,太阳直射点北移是脊线北移的主要原因。
The climate wind-field variation characteristics in time and space during and around the Asian summer monsoon onset(1 April to 30 June)were examined and discussed.According to the diagnostic analysis of variability,on 10 April,21 April,31 May,11 June,and 28 June,the Northern Hemisphere experienced six evident circulation adjustments.The variation can reflect and analyze the adjustment.The generalized monsoon region has the highest value areas of variation.The variation is an objective quantitative tool for analyzing atmospheric circulation adjustments and studying generalized monsoons.This analysis resulted in the following conclusions:The six major adjustments correspond to the onset of spring(the collapse of stratospheric polar vortex),the complete collapse of winter circulation(mid-spring),the establishment of the South China Sea summer monsoon,the establishment of South Asian summer monsoon,the entering Meiyu season in Yangtze-Huaihe River basin(the establishment of East Asian summer monsoon),and the intermission of Meiyu.The summer monsoon onset in the South China Sea is the strongest circulation adjustment(mutation)in the seasonal transition of the Northern Hemisphere.Following the adjustment,the circulation in the Northern Hemisphere turns to its summer state.The onset of summer monsoon in the South China Sea and South Asia is related to global circulation adjustment on each isobaric surface rather than a local phenomenon.The circulation adjustment of summer monsoon in the South China Sea and South Asia is most evident at 700 hPa.The summer monsoon in the South China Sea first occurs to the south of the South China Sea at 850 hPa.The summer monsoon in South Asia is the first onset in the eastern Arabian Sea west of the Indian Peninsula.The collapse of winter circulation and the establishment of the South China Sea,South Asia,and East Asia summer monsoon are related to the northward movement of the ridgelines of the Mid tropospheric subtropical high in the Northern Hemisphere,the South Asian high in the upp
ZHANG Dongling;ZHU Min;ZHANG Ming(Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 1000292;Unit 93117,Nanjing 210018)
Climatic and Environmental Research
Diagnostic analysis
Asian summer monsoon
Circulation adjustment
Climatic wind field
Wind field variation