
复方新诺明治疗婴儿百日咳2例 被引量:1

Treatment of 2 infants with pertussis by cotrimoxazole
摘要 百日咳是由百日咳杆菌感染引起的一种急性呼吸道疾病。此病患者多为婴儿。大环内酯类抗生素是临床上治疗此病的首选药物。但有研究发现,近年来百日咳杆菌出现了对大环内酯类抗生素耐药的现象。在本文中,笔者主要是介绍使用复方新诺明对2例百日咳患儿进行治疗的情况。 Pertussis is an acute respiratory disease caused by bordetella pertussis infection.Most patients with this disease are infants.Macrolide antibiotics are the first choice for clinical treatment of this disease.However,it has been found that in recent years,pertussis bacteria have become resistant to macrolides antibiotics.In this paper,the author mainly introduces the use of cotrimoxazole in the treatment of 2 children with whoopi ng cough.
作者 陆永杨 LU Yongyang(Hengzhou People's Hospital,Nanning 530300,Guangxi,China)
机构地区 横州市人民医院
出处 《当代医药论丛》 2022年第6期178-180,共3页
关键词 婴儿 百日咳 复方新诺明 infant Whooping cough Cotrimoxazole
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