

The Cultural and Historical Logic Practice of Suma of Dai and Blang in Xishuangbanna
摘要 “:苏玛”不仅是西双版纳傣族、布朗族的常用语,更是一种非常普遍的实践。“苏玛”原意为“抱歉”“道歉”,但在西双版纳傣族和布朗族的实践中,“苏玛”的意涵被扩展为“抱歉”“感恩”“尊敬”,并成为调节人与人、人与自然关系的重要途径。个人层面的“苏玛”实践,实际是一种“延时回报”机制,看似自愿,却是义务的回赠,建立起人与人、人与自然的深层关联,并且在社会层面发挥着重要作用;村寨之间的“苏玛”实践,则是村寨历史记忆和群体认同的呈现,弥合了村寨的当下与历史、自我与他者之间的断裂。 Suma is not only a common language of the Dai and Blang people in Xishuangbanna,but also a very common practice,which originally means sorry and apology,but in the practice,the meaning has been expanded to sorry,thankful and respect,and has become a mediator between people,and an important way of the relationship between man and nature.The practice of Suma at the individual level is actually a delayed return mechanism,which seems to be voluntary,but is a repayment of obligations.The practice of Suma between villages is the presentation of historical memory and group identity between villages,bridging the gap between the present and history,self and others of the villages.
作者 高兴 GAO Xing(Department of Philosophy,Beijing University,Beijing 100871,China)
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期95-102,共8页 Journal of North Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“南传佛教中国化路径与实践调查研究”(20BZJ020)。
关键词 “:苏玛” 延时回报 历史记忆 群体认同 Summa Delayed Return Historical Memory Group Identity
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