
胃癌根治术标本的规范化外科处理中国专家共识(2022版) 被引量:18

Chinese experts consensus on standardized surgical management of specimens from radical gastrectomy(2022 edition)
摘要 在进展期胃癌规范化诊治流程中,标准根治手术与准确的病理报告之间存在一个易被忽视的关键环节——标本的规范化外科处理,即标本离体到病理医师处理之间由外科医生对标本的解剖、固定、取材和记录的过程。规范这个过程,方能准确反映淋巴结详细的分布和数目,明确胃癌术后的病理分期,制定辅助治疗方案,精准地显示术中淋巴结清扫的范围,保障手术的规范化实施,包括整体清扫原则(en bloc)等,同时为后期相关研究提供坚实的基础。迄今,我国尚缺乏完整统一的胃癌根治术后标本外科处理的规范及标准。在国内外相关研究及临床实践的基础上,中国抗癌协会胃癌专业委员会牵头,联合中国抗癌协会肿瘤胃肠病学专业委员会,由《中华胃肠外科杂志》组织,召集国内胃癌研究领域的数十位专家,结合国内外相关文献及我国国情,历经近两年的反复研究讨论和多次修改,制定了本专家共识,具体指导胃癌标本规范化外科处理前的注意事项、基本要求和胃癌标本处理流程,包括离体标本处理时间、胃标本的处理和资料归档以及淋巴结分组取材、分拣及其精拣记录等操作环节,旨在对胃癌进行规范化诊治的基础上,进一步将术后标本的外科处理规范化标准化,以期进一步推动我国胃癌外科的高质量发展。 In the standardized diagnosis and treatment process of advanced gastric cancer,there is a unappreciated key link between standard radical surgery and accurate pathological reports.That is,the process of dissection,fixation,sampling and recording of the specimen by the surgeons,starting from specimen isolation to the management of the pathologist.Standardizing this process can not only accurately reflect the detailed distribution and exact number of lymph nodes,but also clarify the pathological stage of gastric cancer,so as to make adjuvant treatment plans.Moreover,it can also reflect the scope of intraoperative lymph node dissection to ensure the standardized implementation of surgery,including the overall dissection principle(en bloc resection),and therefore can provide a solid foundation for later related researches.So far,there is still a lack of complete and unified standard for the surgical management of specimens after radical gastrectomy in China.On the basis of the relevant researches and clinical practice about specimen management at home and abroad,the Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery,in the name of the Gastric Cancer Professional Committee,Chinese Anticancer Association,as well as the Oncogastroenterology Professional Committee,Chinese Anticancer Association,organized dozens of experts to formulate a consensus on the standardized surgical management of specimens after repeated discussions and revisions for two years.This consensus is aimed to standardize the preparations,basic requirements and sample processing procedures before the surgical treatment of postoperative specimens after a radical surgery for gastric cancer patients,including the processing time of specimens,the processing and data archiving of gastric specimens,and lymph node grouping,sorting and fine sorting records,etc and with the purpose of standardizing the surgical treatment of postoperative specimens on the basis of standardized diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer,in order to further promote the high⁃quality deve
作者 中国抗癌协会胃癌专业委员会 中国抗癌协会肿瘤胃肠病学专业委员会 梁寒 胡文庆 Gastric Cancer Professional Committee,Chinese Anticancer Association;Oncogastroenterology Professional Committee,Chinese Anticancer Association
机构地区 不详
出处 《中华胃肠外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期93-103,共11页 Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
关键词 胃肿瘤 外科手术 标本 外科处理 规范化 专家共识 Stomach neoplasms Surgical operation Specimens Surgical management Standardization Expert consensus
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