随着快餐式短视频快速发展,人们对学习知识的态度越发浮躁,这并不符合知识的学习规律。人们对知识的学习需要循序渐进,逐步积累才能厚积薄发。写博客是一种很好的知识积累方式,然而主流的博客平台存在可定制化差、广告过多等情况。基于上述情况,本文设计了一个简洁但功能丰富的博客管理系统。该系统后端采用SpringBoot快速开发框架以减少使用Spring开发时的烦琐配置,并为前端提供数据支持;后台管理界面采用定制AdminLTE3模板,可以更方便美观地展示后台数据;博客展示页面使用Yummy Jekyll主题展示博客文章、博客分类和标签等。
With the rapid development of fast-food short video,people’s attitude towards learning knowledge is becoming more and more impetuous,which does not accord with the law of knowledge learning.People need to learn knowledge step by step and accumulate it step by step.Blogging is a good way to accumulate knowledge.However,the mainstream blogging platform has poor customization and too many advertisements.Based on the above situation,this paper designs a simple but functional blog management system.The back end of the system adopts the SpringBoot rapid development framework to reduce the cumbersome configuration when using Spring development,and provide data support for the front end;The background management interface adopts the customized AdminLTE3 template,which can display the background data more conveniently and aesthetically;The blog display page uses the Yummy Jekyll theme to display blog posts,blog categories,tags,etc.
JIANG Quankun;WU Zhuoheng;YAN Jiaojiao(Guangdong University of Technology,Zhaoqing Guangdong 526100,China)
Information & Computer