
医疗电子认证系统设计与应用 被引量:2

Design and Application of Medical Electronic Authentication System
摘要 介绍各电子签名方案特点及选择方法,阐述基于手机盾的电子签名系统架构设计、手机盾认证系统技术原理及应用,为相关研究提供参考。 The paper introduces the characteristics and selection methods of various electronic signature schemes,expounds the architecture design of electronic signature system based on mobile phone shield,the technical principle of mobile phone shield authentication system and the application of the system,and provides references for related study.
作者 刘振峰 LIU Zhenfeng(Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital,Hefei 230001,China)
机构地区 安徽省肿瘤医院
出处 《医学信息学杂志》 CAS 2021年第10期72-76,共5页 Journal of Medical Informatics
关键词 手机盾 电子认证 电子签名 mobile phone shield electronic authentication electronic signature
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