

Turkey’s Temporary Protection Regime to Deal with the Mass Influx of Syrian Refugees:Problems and Prospects
摘要 面对大量叙利亚避难者涌入,土耳其遵循"开放政策"。通过完善难民法律制度和机构建设,在中央层面设立管理难民的集中监管机构,土耳其启动临时保护制度,确保不驱回叙利亚避难者。临时保护制度从法律层面给予叙利亚避难者"临时保护"身份,并向他们提供登记、住宿、教育、就业和医疗服务等临时保护,具有积极意义。但是,随着叙利亚战争的持续进行,越来越多的叙利亚避难者相继涌入土耳其,大量的难民开支使土耳其政府的财政不堪重负,土耳其陷于经济和社会安全困境。与此同时,实践中的土耳其临时保护制度面临一定的权利、期限和返回困境。对于土耳其临时保护制度的前景走向,本文提出了两点展望。 Turkey has followed an“open-door”policy on the mass influx of Syrian refugees.Improving the legislation on refugees and establishing a centralized supervisory authority for refugee management,Turkey has declared a temporary protection regime and try to ensure non-refoulement of the Syrian asylum-seekers.According to temporary protection regime,the Syrian asylumseekers get the legal membership of temporary protection,registered as“person under temporary protection”,with the rights of accommodation,education,employment and health services.Thus temporary protection regime plays a positive role in the protection of mass Syrian asylum-seekers.However,with the Syrian civil war continuing and the number of asylum-seekers soaring,Turkey can not afford the huge expenses on refugees,bringing about some problems to Turkey economy and public security.In practice,the temporary protection regime is problematic to manage in terms of the rights,duration and return of the persons under temporary protection.We propose two prospects for the future of Turkey temporary protection regime.
作者 安翠丽 An Cuili
出处 《阿拉伯研究论丛》 2020年第1期14-29,共16页 Arab Studies
关键词 叙利亚难民潮 临时保护制度 土耳其 the Mass Influx of Syrian Refugees Temporary Protection Regime Turkey
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