

The Three-dimensional Logic of the Party-building Spirit
摘要 建党精神是中国共产党百年救亡图存的精神起点,是实现民族复兴和中国式现代化历史任务的力量之源,在全面建设现代化国家的新的历史起点,研究建党精神的生成逻辑,既是中国共产党进一步改造主观世界和客观世界的理论之需,又是新时代中华民族重新崛起的精神诉求。建党精神的生成有其特定的逻辑渊源,具体体现在以马克思主义的真理为思想起点和以中华优秀传统文化为思想支点的思想之维,以救亡图存和民族复兴为历史主线以及国际共产主义运动为历史背景的历史之维,以建党前后中国共产党人理论和实践的展开为实践之维。新时代,建党精神作为中国共产党精神谱系的本源性存在,其对于新时代中国共产党精神谱系的丰富发展、“四个伟大”的历史使命实现以及增强中国精神在全球的影响力有十分重要的时代价值。 The party-building spirit is the spiritual starting point for the Chinese Communist Party s centuries of salvation and survival,and the source of power to realize the historical mission of national rejuvenation and Chinese modernization.At the new historical starting point for building a modern country in an all-round way,studying the generation logic of the party-building spirit is not only the theoretical needs of the Chinese Communist Party s further transformation of subjective and objective world,but also the spiritual demands for the re-emergence of the Chinese nation in the new era.The formation of the party-building spirit has its specific logical origin,which is embodied in the ideological dimension of taking the truth of Marxism as the starting point of thinking and taking the excellent traditional Chinese culture as the ideological fulcrum,and the historical dimension of taking salvation and national rejuvenation as the historical main line and taking the international communist movement as the historical background,and the practical dimension of the development of theories and practices of the Chinese Communists before and after the founding of the party.In the new era,the party-building spirit is the original existence of the spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China,which has very important time value for the rich development of the spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China in the new era,the realization of the“four great”historical missions,and the enhancement of the influence of the Chinese spirit in the world.
作者 闫晋虹 YAN Jin-hong(Ideological and Political Department,Shanxi Professional College of Finance,Taiyuan Shanxi 030008,China)
出处 《吕梁学院学报》 2022年第1期62-65,共4页 Journal of Lyuiang University
基金 山西省高等学校思想政治教育研究会项目(SYH2021-044)。
关键词 建党精神 生成 思想之维 历史之维 实践之维 party-building spirit generation ideological dimension historical dimension practical dimension
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