
《还乡》中的空间共同体想象 被引量:1

Space Community Imagination in The Return of The Native
摘要 共同体书写是英国文学的古老传统,也是历代小说家的必然选择与审美取向,并与各个时期的英国社会变迁相契合。哈代作品中既有古朴恬静的牧歌与田园,又有躁动繁华的商业与城市。作家基于故乡多塞特郡想象的威塞克斯王国,在赋予其作品真实感的同时也为其涂抹上一层亦真亦幻的神秘感。《还乡》现实情怀浓重,悲剧色彩明显,但其中蕴含的共同体精神以及作家对威塞克斯乡土空间的诗意想象同样溢于言表。荒原、海滨城市、大海以及大都市巴黎都不再是简单地理意义上的地域空间,它们超越自身而存在,更多地象征哈代在想象与现实之间寻找更为理想生存方式的审美化努力。所有这些共同指向一点,那就是哈代具有显著的荒原情结和怀旧之情,乡村田园空间才是其心中理想的共同体形态。 Community narrative is the old tradition of British literature,and has become the aesthetic selection and interest of most writers,which always meets the reality of the British social changes.There are both countryside and city images in Hardy’s novels,all of which have made his novels both authentic and imaginary.The Return of the Native manifests strong realistic complex and tragic color,and it contributes a lot to the imagination of community centeringWessex.Spaces as wasteland,sea,cities and Paris go beyond a kind of geographical existence,which have been the symbols of the endeavor for Hardy to find an ideal existing method,and indicates that the countryside space is the ideal community form in Hardy’s heart.
作者 王华伟 WANG Hua-wei(School of Foreign Languages,Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics,Zhengzhou Henan 450046,China)
出处 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第2期18-22,共5页 Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目:中国当代文艺审美共同体研究(18ZDA277) 河南省哲学社会科学规划后期资助项目:空间叙事的美学问题研究(2018HQ037)。
关键词 共同体 空间 诗意 还乡 Community space poetics The Return of the Native
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