Since the discovery of two-dimensional(2D)graphene[1],2D materials have been widely investigated due to their in-triguing physical/chemical property and outstanding optoelec-tronic performance[1−3].Generally,2D materials can be di-vided into isotropy and anisotropy according to crystal struc-tures.For isotropic 2D materials like graphene and hexagon-al boron nitride,they have obvious lattice symmetry.Where-as,anisotropic 2D materials possess strong anisotropic crys-tal structure(Fig.1(a)),providing new degree of freedom for exploring 2D materials.Currently,2D materials with high aniso-tropy,due to their anisotropic electrical,optical,thermal,and phonon properties,are finding applications in polarization-sensitive photodetection,neural network construction,spin-polarized transport and other emerging fields[3−6].
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(52172169)
the Central South University Research Fund for Innovation-driven Program(2019CX024)
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2020zzts046)
the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFA0206600)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51773045,21772030,51922032,21961160720)for financial support。