伊恩·班克斯(Iain Banks)是苏格兰著名作家,也是20世纪80年代苏格兰文艺复兴运动的代表人物。同时,他也以"伊恩·M.班克斯"的名字发表了一系列"新太空歌剧"作品,建构了名为"文明"的星际乌托邦,为兴起于20世纪90年代的"英国科幻热"奠定了基础。在伊利诺伊大学出版社"现代科幻大师"系列之《伊恩·M.班克斯》(Iain M.Banks)中,作者保罗·金凯德(Paul Kincaid)把握住了班克斯的双重创作身份,从R.D.莱恩(R.D.Laing)"分裂的自我"为理论出发点,论证了班克斯作品内在的政治诉求,并且强调了班克斯对苏格兰文学的整体影响。
As a representative writer of the Scottish Renaissance during the 1980 s,Iain Banks is certainly a remarkable name.Apart from his"serious"writings,he also publishes a series of"New Space Opera"works under the name"Iain M.Banks,"where he introduces a galactic,post-scarcity,and anarchosocialist utopia"Culture."This is usually considered the dawning of the"British SF Boom"emerging since the 1990 s.In Iain M.Banks,as part of the"Modern Masters of Science Fiction"of University of Illinois Press,the author Paul Kincaid anchors his argument on the doubleness of Banks’s writing.He starts from R.D.Laing’s"Divided Self"theories,demonstrating the left-winged political appeals embedded in Banks’s novels,while amplifying his influence on contemporary Scottish literature in general.
Lyu Guangzhao(Centre for Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry,University College London,London WC1E6BT)
Science Writing Review