
尾矿膏体试验室制备及流变特性研究 被引量:2

Laboratory Preparation and Rheological Properties Study of Tailings Paste
摘要 为了将尾矿浆制备成稳定的膏体,为高效安全生产提供技术保障,以冶炼铜渣再选尾矿浆为原料进行了尾矿膏体制备试验。根据膏体的机理及形成条件,在试验室将矿浆进行初步浓缩,加入药剂后再深锥浓缩并进行一定地搅拌,在压缩区絮团重力、搅动剪切力等力的作用下改变系统状态,使絮团含水量随絮团结构状态改变而变化,并经絮团间隙向上排出,继而提高底流浓度,制备成相对稳定的尾矿膏体。通过分析膏体的形成应具备的基本要素及膏体流变特性及参数,为尾矿膏体浓密机的主要参数设计、辅助设备选型提供依据。 The tailings slurry was prepared into a stable paste to provide technical guarantee for high efficiency and safety production.The tailings slurry from copper smelting slag reconcentration was used as raw material to prepare the tailings paste.According to the mechanism and forming conditions of the paste,the pulp is initially concentrated in the laboratory,then thickened and stirred by a deep cone after the addi⁃tion of the reagent,when the system state is changed,the water content of the flocs changes with the change of the structure state of the flocs,and the flocs are discharged up through the gaps between the flocs,then the bottom flow concentration is increased,and the relatively stable tailings paste is prepared,the basic fac⁃tors of paste formation,paste rheological properties and parameters are analyzed to provide basis for the de⁃sign of main parameters of tailings paste thickener and the selection of auxiliary equipment.
作者 张志明 谢坪全 李云鹏 李小洛 周亮 ZHANG Zhiming;XIE Pingquan;LI Yunpeng;LI Xiaoluo;ZHOU Liang(Yunnan Keli Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd.;Huili Pengchen Waste Residue Utilization Co.,Ltd.)
出处 《现代矿业》 CAS 2022年第1期158-160,165,共4页 Modern Mining
关键词 膏体 流变特性 坍落度 剪切力 重力 paste rheological properties slump shear force gravity
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