In the context of national governance,public finance is embedded into China’s economic,political,and social systems as a medium between various national subsystems.As such,fiscal sustainable development should be viewed from a systematic and integrated perspective.This paper created an analytical framework consisting of three aspects:fiscal resource adequacy,institutional soundness and effectiveness,and external shocks.Chinese government has a relatively healthy balance sheet with adequate fiscal resources;however,it is faced with implicit debt risks and inefficiencies.China has initially established a basic fiscal framework with Chinese characteristics that are compatible with national governance,but problems remain in terms of fiscal responsibility,lawfulness,efficiency,fairness,and compatibility.When dealing with external shocks,policymakers should establish a clear fiscal policy rationale and approach based on the implications of fiscal sustainability.Fiscal sustainable development requires the strengthening of government capabilities to assess management and operation;thus,expanding available fiscal resources.Fiscal reforms should be expedited in order to create a modern fiscal system.Furthermore,a fiscal policy system should be developed and optimized according to the principles of fiscal sustainability in order to withstand external shocks.
Yan Kun
Bao Shuguang
闫坤;鲍曙光(National Academy of Economic Strategy(NAES),Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS),Beijing,ChinaRural Development Institute(RDI),CASS)
supported by the General Program of the National Social Science Fund of China(NSSFC)“Study on the Policy Design and Evaluation for the Prevention of Intergenerational Poverty Transmission through Education”(Grant No.18BJL123).