3Peter Kivy, Authenticities : Philosophical Reflections on Mu- sical Performance. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995. 被引量:1
4Albert Sehweitzer, "The Art of Organ Building and Organ Playing in Germany and Franee," in Albert Sehweitzer, Schweitzer An Antholo- gy, Edited by Charles R. Joy, London: Adam and Charles Black, 1952, pp. 138 - 177. 被引量:1
5Albert Sehweitzer, J. S. Bach, Translated by Ernest Newman, New York : Dover Publications, 1967. 被引量:1
6Arnold Dolmetsch, The Interpretation of the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries, London: Novello and Compa- ny, Ltd. 1915. 被引量:1
7John Butt, Playing with History. Cambrodge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 3. 被引量:1
8Theodor W. Adomo, "Bach Defended against His Devo- tees," in Prisms : Cultural Criticism and Society, trans. Samuel Weber and Shierry Weber. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1981, pp. 135 - 146. 被引量:1
9"Performance Prac- tices", Thirty - sixth Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Toronto, Canada. November 5 - 8. 1970. ( http: //www. ams - net. org/abstracts/Ab- stracts - 1970. pdf). 被引量:1
10Early Music, Volume 12, Issue 1, Oxford: Ox- ford University Press, February 1984. pp. 3 - 25. 被引量:1