Forests are the main components of terrestrial ecosystems and play an important role in the protection and construction of the national ecological security barrier. For a long time, China’s large-scale afforestation had been practiced in areas with rainfall higher than the 400 mm threshold, but the issue of afforestation in high altitudes on the Tibetan Plateau remains elusive in both practical experience and theoretical exploration. It is worth thinking further about what principles should be followed in the selection of tree species and suitable altitudes for afforestation in high-altitude areas, as well as what experiences and lessons of previous afforestation efforts should be applied in high-altitude areas. As per the law of vegetation zonal distribution, this paper argues that afforestation at high altitudes should comply with the principle of vegetation zonal distribution and the low temperature limitation,and points out that afforestation is feasible only within the forest distribution area and below the altitudes of climate timberlines. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential spatial areas of afforestation, and determine the local tree species that may be used for afforestation based on the existing problems of afforestation in eastern Tibet. In summary, afforestation in high-altitude areas of the eastern Tibetan Plateau must comply with the law of zonal vegetation distribution, focus on the upper limit of altitude and the selection of suitable tree species, and adopt only suitable native tree species.
森林是陆地生态系统的主体,在国家生态安全屏障保护与建设中发挥着重要的作用。我国大规模造林实践都依从年降雨量400 mm的阈值,在高于该降水阈值的地区造林。但针对西藏高原高海拔地区造林,无论是实践经验和理论探讨方面都很少涉及。在高海拔地区造林的最高海拔和树种选择需要遵循什么原则?以及以往高海拔地区造林的经验教训给我们什么启示?这些都是值得进一步思考的问题。本文从植被地带性分布规律出发,提出高海拔造林要遵从植被地带性分布原则和温度限制原则,指出植树造林要在森林分布区内、气候树线分布的海拔以下的区域才有可行性。以西藏高原东部森林分布格局和主要气候树线树种的分布海拔上限为例,论证了植树造林的潜在空间范围。从主要造林树种的生物学特性和气候生态位的角度,对可能用于造林的乡土树种及其造林立地条件进行了厘定,并指出了那曲造林存在的问题。总之,在西藏高海拔地区造林需要遵从地带性植被分布规律,重点考虑海拔上限和适宜树种选择问题,采用乡土树种,做到适地适树。
The National Natural Science Foundation of China and ICIMOD Joint Research Project (41661144045)。