我国电网运行中,1000 kV特高压输电线路发挥着非常重要的作用,其能够实现电能的远距离传输,降低电能在传输过程中的损耗,同时,也可以提高电网系统整体运行的安全性和可靠性。1000 kV特高压输电线路采用的是架空敷设的方式,因此,需要切实做好防雷工程设计工作,以保证线路的运行安全。论文从1000 kV特高压输电线路雷击的特点出发,结合具体案例,对1000 kV特高压输电线路防雷工程设计进行了讨论,以供参考。
In the operation of China’s power grid,1000 kV UHV transmission line plays a very important role.It can realize the long-distance transmission of electric energy,reduce the loss of electric energy in the transmission process,and improve the safety and reliability of the overall operation of the power grid system.1000 kV UHV transmission line is laid overhead,so it is necessary to do a good job in lightning protection engineering design to ensure the operation safety of the line.Based on the characteristics of lightning stroke of 1000 kV UHV transmission line and combined with specific cases,the lightning protection engineering design of 1000 k V UHV transmission line is discussed for reference.
YUAN Chun-cheng(State Nuclear Electric Power Planning Design&Research institute Co.Ltd.,Beijing 100095,China)
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