A general class of non-linear large-scale interconnected systems is considered,wherein each subsystem is comprised of a nominal part in a general strict-feedback-like structure and a set of appended dynamics.Parametric and functional uncertainties and time delays are allowed throughout the overall system structure including the nominal strictfeedback-like parts and appended dynamics of each subsystem as well as the non-linear subsystem interconnections.The controller design is based on the dual dynamic highgain scaling technique and provides a robust adaptive delay-independent globally stabilising decentralised output-feedback controller.The disturbance attenuation properties of the proposed output-feedback decentralised controller to an exogenous disturbance input are also analysed and specific conditions under which properties such as Input-toOutput-practical-Stability and asymptotic stabilisation are attained are also discussed.
This work was supported in part by the NSF[grant number ECS-0501539].