立井井筒地面预注浆技术是井筒通过基岩含水层施工时,应用最为广泛的工法之一,应用领域不断拓展;而复杂地层的止浆问题是制约其应用的技术难点。为此,开发了甩管射孔注浆技术。即针对特殊层段,甩入套管,并用水泥浆,对套管与孔壁之间的环形空间进行固管;待水泥浆凝固72 h后,进行分段射孔作业,分段注浆,射孔与注浆交替进行。射孔过程中,现场装炮、组装射孔器、组装起爆器等作业,按SY/T 6253—2007中的有关规定执行。注浆施工中,利用卡瓦式止浆塞,在套管内准确位置止浆后,先进行压水试验,计算地层的渗透系数;并根据渗透系数,确定浆液类型和浆液配比等参数。注浆过程中,根据注浆压力大小,适当调整浆液配比和注浆流量,至达到结束标准。
The ground pre-grouting technology of a mine shaft is one of the construction methods widely applied to the mine shaft construction when the shaft passed through the aquifer in base rock and the application area is continuously developed.Thus the problem of the packer in the complicated stratum would be the technical difficulty to restrict the application of the packer.Therefore,a flinging pipe perforating grouting technology was developed.According to the special stratum section,when a casing pipe was flung,the cement grouts were applied to consolidate the ring space between the casing pipe and the borehole wall.After the 72 hours of the cement grouts consolidated,the sectional perforating operation and the sectional grouting would be conducted and the perforating and grouting would be alternately conducted.During the perforating proceeding,the site blasting loading,perforator assembling,detonator assembling and other operation should be conducted according to the related regulations of the SY/T 6253—2007 standard.During the grouting operation,the kava packer was applied to conduct the pressured water test firstly and to calculate the permeability coefficient of the stratum after the packer accurately positioned in the casing pipe.According to the permeability coefficient,the grout type,grout mixing and other coefficient were determined.During the grouting proceeding,based on the size of the grouting presure,the grout ratio and grout flow should be properly adjusted until the ending standard was reached and ended.
CHEN Zhenguo(Beijing China Coal Mine Engineering Company Limited,Beijing 100013,China;Tiandi Science and Technology Company Limited,Beijing 100013,China)
Mine Construction Technology
complicated stratum
small section height
ground pre-grouting
perforating grouting
kava packer