
2019年重庆市南岸区中小学生视力和屈光现况调查 被引量:4

Survey on status of vision and refractive state of primary and secondary school, Nan’an district, Chongqing city,2019
摘要 目的通过流行病学现况调查了解中小学学生视力、屈光、戴镜现状,为后期近视防控开展提供依据。方法 2019年9~10月采用横断面研究,普查重庆市南岸区50所中小学81 448名学生,进行视力检查和非睫状肌麻痹电脑验光,对视力、屈光、戴镜等进行统计分析。结果视力不良检出率小学低年级(一~三年级)32.44%,高年级(四~六年级)53.07%;初中72.04%;高中81.41%。筛查性近视率小学低年级(一~三年级)16.36%,小学高年级(四~六年级)45.21%;初中64.04%;高中78.39%。视力不良率、筛查性近视率随年级增高呈上升趋势(P<0.01),从四年级开始(平均年龄为10.71±0.51),高度近视率随年级增加而增加(P<0.01),从四年级开始,各年级男女视力不良检出率、筛查性近视率出现性别差异,均表现为女多于男(P<0.05)。戴镜率小学低年级26.51%,小学高年级29.58%,初中38.21%,高中48.29%,戴镜合格率小学低年级49.92%,小学高年级40.41%,中学45.04%,高中42.63%。结论重庆市南岸区青少年近视情况较为严峻,近视是视力不良的主要原因,近视防控措施尚不到位。 Objective To understand the prevalence of vision, refractive state and glasses wear among primary and secondary school students through prevalence survey in Nan’an district, Chongqing city, so as to provide evidence for the prevention and control of myopia in later stage. Methods From September to October, 2019,a cross-sectional study was conducted to survey 81 448 students in 50 primary and secondary schools in Nan ’an district of Chongqing city.Visual acuity examination and non-ciliary muscle paralysis computer optometry were performed, and the visual acuity, refraction and wearing glasses were statistically analyzed. Results The detection rate of poor vision in the lower grades of primary school(1-3 grades),the higher grades of primary school(4-6 grades),junior high and senior high schools were 32.44%,53.07%,72.04% and 81.41% respectively, and the rate increased with grades(P<0.01).The detection rate of myopia in the lower grades of primary school, the higher grades of primary school, junior high and senior high schools were 16.36%,45.21%,64.04%,78.39% respectively, and the rate increased with grades(P<0.01).The rate of high myopia increased with grades since the fourth grade(P<0.01).The detection rate of poor vision and the rate of myopia were significantly higher in girls than boys(P<0.05) since the fourth grade.The rate of wearing glasses was 26.51% in the lower grades of primary school, 29.58% in the higher grades of primary school, 38.21% in junior high school and 48.29% in senior high school.The rate of qualified correction of wearing glasses were 49.92%,40.41%,45.04% and 42.63% respectively. Conclusion The situation of myopia is tough in Nanan district, Chongqing city.Myopia is the main cause of poor vision among students and the prevention and control measures of myopia are not in place yet.
作者 陈卫卫 周希瑗 李亚斐 刘丹宁 马华峰 CHEN Wei-wei;ZHOU Xi-yuan;LI Ya-fei;LIU Dan-ning;MA Hua-feng(The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing,400000,China;不详)
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2021年第11期803-806,811,共5页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
基金 重庆市科卫联合医学科研项目(项目编号:2018ZDXM017)。
关键词 中小学生 视力 近视 横断面研究 Primary and secondary school students Vision Myopia Cross-sectional study
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