目的:探究《临证指南医案》中叶天士治疗湿阻型脾胃病的用药思路。方法:收集《临证指南医案》治疗病位在脾胃、病证为"湿"的医案所涉及的内服方剂,采用中医传承辅助平台系统(V 2.5)对用药进行频次、性味、归经统计、关联规则分析及复杂系统熵聚类分析。结果:共纳入处方162首,涉及中药155味,使用频次较高的有茯苓、厚朴、陈皮、白术、泽泻;药物四气以温、寒、平为主,五味以苦、甘、辛为主,主要归脾、胃、肺经。关联网络中核心药物为白术、泽泻、猪苓、茯苓、厚朴、陈皮、人参、黄芩、黄连。药物间关联度分析中,2味药组合106个,3味药组合19个,4味药组合1个,关联系数大于0.03的药对有15个,如"升麻-葛根""白术-桂枝""苦杏仁-栀子"等。基于复杂熵聚类分析可提取核心组合5对,如"白芍-黄连-莲子"和"黄芩-黄连-茯苓",得到新方组合5个,分别具有清热燥湿、升阳胜湿、理气化湿、温阳祛湿、清热利湿的功效。结论:《临证指南医案》中叶天士治疗湿阻型脾胃病,注重调畅气机、分消走泄,常用宣肺化湿、升阳胜湿、行气导湿、芳香化湿、温阳祛湿、苦辛泄湿、渗淡利湿、清热利湿等治法。
Objective To explore the thoughts and rules of Ye Tianshi’s medication in the treatment of damp-resistance spleen and stomach disease in the Clinical Guideline Medical Records.Methods In the spleen and stomach-related diseases and dampness chapters of Clinical Guideline Medical Records,the medical cases selected in the spleen and stomach,disease syndrome ondampness were selected and entered into the Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Assistance Platform System(V 2.5).The software was used to analyze the frequency,tastes,meridian,and for the association rules analysis and complex system entropy cluster analysis of medication.Results A total of 162 prescriptions were included,involving 155 traditional Chinese medicines.The Poria,Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Alismatis Rhizoma,were used frequently.The Qi of medicationwere mainly warm,cold and flat,and the five tastes were mainly bitter,sweet and pungent,mainly belonging to the spleen,stomach and lung meridian.The core drugs in the associated network were Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Alismatis Rhizoma,Polyporus,Poria,Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma,Scutellariae Radix and Coptidis Rhizoma.In the analysis of the correlation between drugs,there are 106 combinations of 2 drugs,19 combinations of 3 drugs,1 combination of 4 drugs,and 15 drug pairs with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.03,such as"Cimicifugae Rhizoma-Puerariae Lobatae Radix"and"Atractylodis MacrocephalaeRhizoma-Cinnamomi Ramulus","Armeniacae Semen Amarum-Gardeniae Fructus".Based on complex entropy clustering analysis,5 pairs of core combinations were extracted,such as"Paeoniae Radix Alba-Coptidis Rhizoma-Nelumbinis Semen"and"Scutellariae Radix-Coptidis Rhizoma-Poria",and 5 new prescription combinations were obtained,which had the effects of clearing heat and drying dampness,promoting Yang and surpassing dampness,regulating qi and removing dampness,warming yang and removing
Chen Baoling;Zhang Beiping(Master Degree Student of Grade 2018,the Second Clinical Medical College of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510006,China;Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases,Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Guangzhou 510120,China)
International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Spleen system diseases
Clinical Guideline Medical Records
Ye Tianshi
Wet syndrome
Data mining