碎斑合并融合一直是林地变更、土地利用等内业数据处理的一大难题。本文基于ArcGIS Add-In平台,设计并实现了一种批量融合碎斑的工具。通过设定可视化界面的相关参数,灵活调整碎斑融合规则,以期达到不同项目的通用性,最后,结合具体项目实践进行验证分析。实验结果表明,该方法可以准确、快速地完成碎斑批量融合工作,提高生产效率。
The Merge of Tiny Polygons has always been a difficult problem in the data processing of woodland change and land use.Based on the ArcGIS Add-In,this paper has designed and achieved the batch merge tool for tiny polygons.In order to meet the needs of different projects,the tool could set the relevant parameters of the visual interface,and flexible adjust the rules of tiny polygons merge.The result showed that the tool can accurately and quickly merge the large of tiny polygons,and improve production efficiency.
QIU Shiping(Nanning Institute of Forestry Survey and Design of Guangxi Co.,Ltd.,Nanning 530001,China)
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology