目的对已发表文献中基于问题的教学方法(PBL)在外科教学中应用效果的系统评价进行再评价。方法计算机检索The Cochrane Library、PubMed、Web of Science、Embase、CNKI、万方、维普数据库,查找PBL教学方法在外科教学方面的系统评价文献,各数据库检索时限从建库至2021年3月。使用AMSTAR 2量表评价纳入分析文献方法学的质量。结果经过筛选后纳入7篇系统评价文献进行分析,其中2篇中质量文献,1篇低质量文献,4篇极低质量文献。在基础成绩方面,PBL联合老师教授为主的教学方法(LBL)或单纯PBL均优于单纯LBL组,但单纯使用PBL可能存在关键知识遗漏的情况;在实践操作技能和综合成绩方面,PBL联合LBL或单独PBL方法均优于LBL法。结论 PBL在外科教学中不失为一种优质的方法,但同时LBL也具有与PBL互补的作用,两者有机结合可更好地培养外科医学人才。
Objective To reevaluate the systematic reviews of the effectiveness of problem-based learning(PBL) in surgery education in the published literature. Methods The Cochrane Library, PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, CNKI database, Wanfang database and VIP database were searched for papers of systematic reviews of PBL teaching method in surgical education. The retrieval time of each database was from the establishment of the database to March 2021. AMSTAR 2 was used to evaluate the quality of the methodology adopted in the included papers. Results Seven papers of systematic reviews were included, of which two were of medium quality, one was of low quality and four were of very low quality. In terms of basic performance, PBL combined with lecture-based learning(LBL) or PBL alone was better than LBL alone, but there may be some key knowledge missing in PBL alone. In terms of practical skills and comprehensive performance, PBL combined with LBL or PBL alone was better than LBL alone. Conclusion PBL is a high-quality method in surgery education. But at the same time, LBL is complementary to PBL. Combination of the two can better cultivate surgical talents.
Deng Bei;Wang Kunjie;Gu Jun;Wang Peng;Zeng Jing;Chai Hua(Department of Academic Affairs,School of Clinical Medicine,West China Hospital of Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,China;Department of Surgery,West China Hospital of Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,China)
Journal of Chengdu Medical College