
中美城市青少年毒品犯罪的时空分布与防范对策 被引量:4

A Comparative Study of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Urban Juvenile Drug-Related Crimes As Well As the Prevention Measures between China and the United States
摘要 通过采用数据比较、案例分析、实证调查等方法,发现中美两国城市青少年毒品犯罪具有以下时空分布规律:美国此类犯罪高发于节假日期间,多出现在学校及其他青少年常聚集的地点。我国此类犯罪高发时间也集中在寒暑假,尤以春节为主,高发地点为酒吧、迪厅等娱乐场所以及宾馆、日租房等住宿场所。美国学者针对城市青少年毒品犯罪的防范研究成果丰硕,政府各部门制定有详细的防范对策,实务部门防控措施实施成效明显,特别是在家庭预防、学校预防和社会机构预防等领域均有其鲜明特色和成功经验。美国青少年毒品犯罪的预防对策对我国的借鉴包括严格控制毒品来源、定时定点缉毒巡逻、三方联合时空预防共同推进;美国青少年毒品犯罪的矫治措施对我国的借鉴包括戒毒所和社区进行有效戒毒、从严打击、慎用死刑等。 Through the use of data comparison, case analysis and empirical investigation, it is found that there are similarities and differences in the spatial and temporal distributions of urban juvenile drug-related crimes between China and the United States. In the United States, juveniles often commit drug-related crimes in schools and other places where the concentration of youth is high during holidays. In China, urban juvenile drug-related crimes mostly happen on holiday, especially on the Spring Festival. Bars, discotheques and other entertainment places as well as hotels and B&B’s are high drug crimes incidence areas. American scholars have made fruitful research on the prevention of urban juvenile drug-related crimes. The U.S. government has formulated detailed preventive measures, and has achieved remarkable results, especially in family prevention, school prevention and social institutions prevention. Measures on the prevention of urban juvenile drug-related crimes proposed by the U.S. government and scholars have use for reference to us. On the basis of the spatial and temporal distributions of urban juvenile drug-related crimes study and American prevention measures, we put forward the following proposals: strictly controlling the source of drugs, conducting drug busts at specific time and place, combining family, school and social institutions preventions. The corrective measures for urban juvenile drug-related crimes in the United States also make sense. We come up with a series of corrective actions, including drug rehabilitation center and social institutions helping juveniles break addictions effectively, strictly controlling and prudently applying death penalty.
作者 于阳 黄烨 Yu Yang;Huang Ye
机构地区 天津大学法学院
出处 《青少年犯罪问题》 2021年第5期111-125,共15页 Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency
基金 2019年度司法部国家法治与法学理论研究一般项目“中美城市青少年犯罪的时空分布与防范对策比较研究”(项目编号:19SFB2023)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 青少年毒品犯罪 时空分布 家庭预防 学校预防 社会机构预防 juvenile drug-related crimes spatial and temporal distribution prevention measures comparative study
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