The primary way to achieve thread-level parallelism on the Sunwayhigh-performance multicore processor is to use the OpenMP programming technique.To address the problem of low parallelism efficiency caused by slow accessto thread private variables in the compilation of Sunway OpenMP programs, thispaper proposes a thread private variable access technique based on privilegedinstructions. The privileged instruction-based thread-private variable access techniquecentralizes the implementation of thread-private variables at the compilerlevel, eliminating the model switching overhead of invoking OS core processingand improving the speed of accessing thread-private variables. On the Sunway1621 server platform, NPB3.3-OMP and SPEC OMP2012 achieved 6.2% and6.8% running efficiency gains, respectively. The results show that the techniquesproposed in this paper can provide technical support for giving full play to theadvantages of Sunway’s high-performance multi-core processors.
International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE)