

Analysis and discussion about the critical thoughts of He Qiaoyuan’s poetry and prose
摘要 晚明何乔远兼具儒者、史家、文士三重身份,其各类著述富含诗文批评思想。作为儒者,他主张文以载道,推重温厚和平的文风,寄望以此挽救明代诗文创作之弊,具有鲜明的经世致用倾向;作为史家,他认为明代诗文发展面临历史与现实的双重困境,故当在复古的基础上融入作家个性与时代精神,以此创作属于明人的一家、一代诗文,表现出理性通达的史学精神;作为文士,他视诗文创作为富于创造而又极困难的精神活动,表现出重气重廉的散文观与重情重声的诗歌观,较为切近诗文创作的艺术规律。作为中国古代文学批评史上不可或缺的重要一环,何氏的诗文批评思想既是对明代诗文创作的一次自觉总结,也对明清之际的诗文批评理论产生了重要影响。 In the late Ming Dynasty,He Qiaoyuan was a Confucian scholar,a historian and a literatus.In his various works,there were rich critical thoughts of poetry and prose.As a Confucian scholar,he advocated writing is for conveying truth,and highly praised the gentle and peaceful style of writing,hoping to save the shortcomings of the creation of poetry and prose in the Ming Dynasty,which had a distinct tendency to be applied to the world.As a historian,he believed that the development of poetry and prose in the Ming Dynasty was faced with the double pressure from history and reality,so it was necessary to integrate the writer's personality and the spirit of the era on the basis of restoring ancient ways,so as to create individual literary works and a generation of literary works belonging to the Ming Dynasty,and to show the rational and intelligent historiography spirit.As a literatus,he regarded the creation of poetry and prose as a creative and extremely difficult spiritual activity,showing the view of prose emphasizing spirit and honesty and the view of poetry emphasizing emotion and sound,which was close to the artistic law of the creation of poetry.As an indispensable part of the history of ancient Chinese literary criticism,his thought of poetry criticism not only summed up the creation of poetry in the Ming Dynasty,but also had an important influence on the theory of poetry criticism in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
作者 樊国相 Fan Guoxiang(School of literature and Journalism,Liupanshui Normal University,Liupanshui 553001,China)
出处 《六盘水师范学院学报》 2021年第5期21-29,共9页 Journal of Liupanshui Normal University
基金 2016年度六盘水师范学院高层次人才科研启动基金项目“何楷研究”(LPSSYKYJJ201605)。
关键词 何乔远 《镜山全集》 儒者 史家 文士 诗文批评思想 He Qiaoyuan The Complete Works of Jing Mountain Confucian scholar historian literatus critical thoughts of poetry and prose
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