弯道内水流受离心力影响发生偏转,使剪切力分布变得极为复杂。为研究弯道中心角对弯道剪切力的影响,基于Fluent采用Realise k~ε湍流模型开展数值模拟,对6种不同中心角弯道的剪切力进行对比分析。结果表明,弯道内剪切力出现位置受弯道中心角影响明显,随中心角增加,凸岸侧剪切力最大值出现位置由弯道出口断面处向上游移动,然后向下游移动;在凹岸侧剪切力变化规律比较明显,均呈现出先减小后增大的变化规律,弯顶断面处剪切力最大值出现在中心角为30°时,出口断面处剪切力最大值出现在中心角为180°时。研究成果可为弯道岸坡设计提供一定的参考与借鉴。
The water flow in the curve is deflected by the heart effect,making the shear distribution extremely complicated.In order to study the effect of the corner of the curve on the shear force of the curve,the Fluent is based on the Realise k~εturbulent model to carry out numerical simulation,and the shear force of six different central corner curves is compared.The results show that the clipping force in the curve is obvious,and the center angle increases,with the central angle,the maximum display position is moved upstream by the curve outlet section,and then moves downstream;the variation of the shore side shear force is relatively obvious.It has a change in change after the decreasing,and the maximum clipping force at the top of the bend is 30°,and the maximum value of the shear force at the exit section appears in the exit section.The central corner is 180°.The research results can provide a certain help for the corner ceiling design.
HUA Zhong;CHEN Jing;KONG Min;WANG Peng(Huai′an Huaihe Water Conservancy Construction Engineering Co.Ltd.,Lianshui 223400,Jiangsu,China)
Water Conservancy Science and Technology and Economy