
铁尾矿渣代换碎石用于水泥混凝土的可能性研究 被引量:17

A preliminary study on the possibility of replacing crushed stone with slag in cement concrete
摘要 为了减少固体废弃物填埋和矿井开采引起的环境污染,防止二次污染的产生,提出铁尾矿渣集料的概念,通过对铁尾矿渣的岩相分析与理化性质分析,以水泥为结合介质,单、双掺混凝土为研究对象,对铁尾矿渣的使用性能进行了详细分析,分析结果表明:铁尾矿石属于斜长角闪岩,主要由角闪石(含量40%~50%)、斜长石(含量20%~30%)、黑云母(含量5%~10%)、石英(含量<10%)组成,副矿物主要由磷灰石(含量<3%),极少量锆英石和铁质矿物,岩石中矿物呈定向排列,显示出片理结构。对于工业固体废渣在土木工程中二次利用的应用研究有一定的指导意义,工程应用实例证明铁尾矿渣混凝土的工作性能、力学性能均满足要求。 In order to reduce the solid waste landfill and mines mining caused by environmental pollution and prevent secondary pollution,the author puts forward the concept of iron tail slag aggregates,through the petrographic analysis of iron tail slag and the physical and chemical properties analysis,combined with medium for cement,single or double mixing concrete as the research object,the use of CFB ash performance,stability,adaptability,environmental impact assessment and hazard identification are analyzed in detail,the analysis results show that the tail of iron ore belongs to the amphibolite plagioclase,It is mainly composed of amphibole(40%~50%),plagioclase(20%~30%),biotite(5%~10%),and quartz(<10%).The accessory minerals are mainly apatite(<3%),with a very small amount of zirconite and iron minerals.The minerals in the rocks are arranged in a directional manner,showing a laminated structure.It has a certain guiding significance for the research on the secondary utilization of industrial solid waste in civil engineering.The engineering application example proves that the working and mechanical properties of iron tailings concrete meet the requirements.
作者 申铁军 TieJun Shen(Shanxi Road&Bridge Construction Group Co.Ltd,Taiyuan 030006,China)
出处 《青海交通科技》 2021年第3期150-158,共9页 Qinghai Transportation Science and Technology
关键词 固废利用 铁尾矿渣 代换 混凝土 环境保护 solid waste utilization iron tailing slag substitution concrete the environmental protection
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