

New Media Methods for Public Participation in Cultural Landscape Protection
摘要 为了辅助设计决策,提高公众参与文化景观保护与再生的有效性,从理论发展视角分析了景观保护的对象和公众参与的必要性。通过对传统方法和新媒体方式的梳理和对比,以及对其优越性和局限性的探索,表明这类方式本质上是将它的高体验感或参与度应用到景观领域之中。它最重要的意义之一是将设计师的关注点从以"物为中心"转向"以人为本",使公众参与能够从基础的方案展示渗透到意向调研和方案优化阶段。该研究可帮助设计师结合新旧工具,为方法的选择和居民利益的保障提供支持。 In order to assist design decision-making and improve the effectiveness of public participation in the protection and regeneration of cultural landscapes, subjects of landscape protection and the necessity of public participation are analyzed from the perspective of theory development. Through classifying and comparing the traditional methods and the new media methods, as well as exploring their benefits and drawbacks, this paper expounds that the new media methods essentially apply their high experience or participation to the landscape field. One of the most crucial roles of new media methods is shifting the designers’ focus from being material-centric to people-oriented so that public participation can penetrate from the plan display to the stage of intention research and plan optimization. The research can help designers combine old and new tools to support the choice of methods and the protection of residents’ interests.
作者 张佳雪 涂俊 ZHANG Jiaxue;TU Jun(Nankai University,300071 Tianjin;National Demonstration Center for Experimental Arts Education,300071 Tianjin)
出处 《设计艺术研究》 2021年第5期40-43,共4页 Design Research
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(63202924)。
关键词 新媒体 公众参与 文化景观 保护 new media public participation cultural landscape protection
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