
基于标准化沟通制度连续性居家远程探视模式在新型冠状病毒肺炎后疫情时代严重烧伤患者探视管理中的应用 被引量:9

Application of a standard communication system-based continuous home remote visit mode in the management of visits to severely burned patients in the post-pandemic era of coronavirus disease 2019
摘要 目的探讨基于标准化沟通制度的连续性居家远程探视模式在新型冠状病毒肺炎后疫情时代(下称后疫情时代)严重烧伤患者探视管理中的应用效果。方法采用回顾性队列研究方法。将陆军军医大学(第三军医大学)第一附属医院2020年2—12月收治的符合入选标准的69例严重烧伤患者及其69名家属纳入本研究。根据探视模式的不同,将2020年2—6月入住烧伤重症监护病房(BICU)的按照疫情防控要求实施完全限制性探视的33例严重烧伤患者及对应的33名家属纳入常规探视组,将2020年7—12月入住BICU的实施基于标准化沟通制度的连续性居家远程探视的36例严重烧伤患者及对应的36名家属纳入远程探视组。常规探视组家属只能通过电话与责任护士沟通,而远程探视组患者和家属通过微信视频通话与责任护士、责任医师、康复治疗师、营养治疗师共同沟通。比较患者入住BICU时2组患者及2组家属一般资料调查表调查结果和汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)评分,患者入住BICU第2周及转出BICU时2组患者及2组家属HAMA评分,患者转出BICU时2组患者及2组家属探视效果评价量表评分、2组家属重危患者家属满意度量表中文修订版(C-CCFSS)评分,患者转出BICU 1周内2组患者住院期间满意度调查评价量表评分。对数据行χ^(2)检验、Fisher确切概率法检验、Mann-WhitneyU检验。结果远程探视组患者中男29例、女7例,年龄为48(34,53)岁;家属中男15名、女21名,年龄为45(30,48)岁。常规探视组患者中男24例、女9例,年龄为49(38,54)岁;家属中男9名、女24名,年龄为44(35,48)岁。患者入住BICU时,2组患者和2组家属HAMA评分均相近(P>0.05)。远程探视组患者、家属在患者入住BICU第2周(Z=-3.195、-3.018,P<0.01)及转出BICU时(Z=-2.118、-2.380,P<0.05)HAMA总分均明显低于常规探视组。患者转出BICU时,2组患者探视效果评价量表各维度评分相近(P>0.05);远程探 Objective To observe the application effects of a standard communication system-based continuous home remote visit mode in the management of visits to severely burned patients in the post-pandemic era of coronavirus disease 2019(hereinafter referred to as post-pandemic era).Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted.A total of 69 severely burned patients who met the inclusion criteria and were admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University(the Third Military Medical University)from February to December,2020 and their 69 family members were recruited into this study.According to the difference of visit model,33 severely burned patients who were admitted into burn intensive care unit(BICU)from February to June,2020 and received completely restricted visits according to the requirements for epidemic prevention and control and their corresponding 33 family members were included into conventional visit group;36 severely burned patients who were admitted into BICU from July to December,2020 and received the standard communication system-based continuous home remote visits and their 36 corresponding family members were recruited into remote visit group.The family members in conventional visit group could only communicate with the primary nurses by telephone,while the patients and family members in remote visit group could communicate with the primary nurses,responsible doctors,rehabilitation therapists,and nutrition therapists through WeChat video call.The survey results of general information questionnaire and Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAMA)scores of two groups of patients and their family members at BICU admission of patients,HAMA scores of the two groups of patients and their family members in the second week of BICU admission and at discharge from BICU of patients,the scores of the Visiting Effect Evaluation Scale of the two groups of patients and their family members and the scores of Chinese version of Critical Care Family Satisfaction Survey(C-CCFSS)of the two groups of family members a
作者 陈华玲 李茂君 罗伊美 黎宁 Chen Hualing;Li Maojun;Luo Yimei;Li Ning(State Key Laboratory of Trauma,Burns and Combined Injury,Institute of Burn Research,the First Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University(the Third Military Medical University),Chongqing 400038,China)
出处 《中华烧伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期1070-1077,共8页 Chinese Journal of Burns
关键词 烧伤 探视病人者 病人医护连续性 社会支持 Burns Visitors to patients Continuity of patient care Social support
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