
实践主体性与整全性生存理想:对象性理论视域中的自我-他者关系与人类命运共同体的世界意义 被引量:5

Practical Subjectivity and Existential Ideal of Wholeness:The Objective View of the Self and Others and the World Significance of the Community With a Shared Future for Mankind
摘要 以往对于人类自身整全性的理解表现为3种理论进路,其共同错误在于忽视了人的对象性存在方式。对象性这一根本性存在方式决定了现实的各个人普遍的非整全性实存状态。个人通过对象性活动克服自身的非整全性,这一活动过程的逻辑前提是人类自然性类尺度所包含的整体性思维模式。为了克服自身的非整全性,在共同体中生成了两种对象性关系:自我—他者的对象性关系以及个人与物的物质性对象性关系。由于忽视了物质性对象性关系的中介作用,胡塞尔所开创的主体间性理论无法从根本上解决“他者”沦为“自我”的对象化“强暴”。自我—他者的对象性关系在世界历史层面表现为发达国家与发展中国家的关系,西方先发现代化国家始终以强势的“自我”理论姿态面对着长期处于弱势地位的“他者性”的发展中国家。以习近平为代表的中国共产党人以恢弘宽广的历史胸怀与全人类世界历史发展的理论高度所提出的“人类命运共同体”,为解决这一问题提供了一种凸显中国智慧的人类生存发展的新理念与新实践方案。 In the past,there were three theoretical approaches to the understanding of human integrity.Their common mistake is to ignore the way of human objective existence.The fundamental existence mode of objectiveness determines the general non-integral existence state of each individual in reality.Individuals overcome their own incompleteness through objective activities,the logical premise of this activity process is the holistic thinking mode contained in the scale of human nature.In order to overcome its own non-integrity,two kinds of object relations are generated in the community:the object relationship between self and other and the material object relationship between individual and object.Due to the neglect of the intermediary role of material object relationship,the inter-subjectivity theory initiated by Husserl can not fundamentally solve the objectified“rape”that“the other”becomes“the self”.The objective relationship between self and other is the relationship between developed and developing countries in the world history.The West first found that modern countries have always been facing the“other”developing countries in a weak position for a long time with a strong“self”theoretical attitude.The general assembly of the Chinese Communist Party,represented by Xi Jinping,has provided a new idea and new practice plan for the survival and development of China,which is a highlight of China’s wisdom and a“community of human destiny”proposed by the Chinese Communists in a broad historical mind and the height of the world’s historical development.
作者 袁祖社 杜添 YUAN Zu-she;DU Tian(School of Philosophy and Government,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710119,Shaanxi)
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期5-16,共12页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“唯物史观视域中人类命运共同体思想的原创性贡献与世界意义研究”(20&ZD026) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2018TS003)。
关键词 对象性理论 整全性 人类命运共同体 objectivity theory wholeness a community with a shared future for mankind
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