
论《尚书·洪范》福殛畴:手段、目的及其相关问题 被引量:1

On the Category of Blessings and Punishments in the Great Normsof the Book of Documents:Means,Purposes and Related Issues
摘要 《尚书·洪范》福殛畴既是手段畴又是目的畴。“福”是福庆、福报之义,“六极”之“极”当读为“殛”,“殛”是诛罚、惩罚义。“攸”是“修”字初文,“攸好德”即“修好德”,“好德”即美德之义。“五福”即五种福报,“六殛”即六种惩罚。“五福”以修好德为中心。在洪范九畴系统中,五福六殛既是个人趋吉避凶的目的,又是君王统治臣民和治理天下的手段,且君王专擅作福作威的权力。五福与六殛有对应性,但如何对应,汉宋儒者的说法不一致。从内容和义理上来看,寿、考终命应与凶短折相对,富应与贫相对,康宁应与疾、忧相对,修好德应与恶、弱相对。福殛畴包含着“德福一致”的观念,且暗中肯定了君王具有通天的神性。从《洪范》本文看,五事、五纪与庶征,皇极、三德与福殛有因果关系,这两个系列的分别是很明确的。在汉儒的解释中,五事、皇极、庶征、福殛四畴被关联起来。通过此四畴的关联,汉儒实际上将洪范九畴全部关联了起来,纳入了所谓天人感应、灾异谴告、休征咎征和五福六殛的思想系统之中。如此这般,汉儒在天人感应的思想背景下将《洪范》变成了一篇展现君权、制约君权和如何谴告、赏罚人君的核心文献。 The category of blessings and punishments in the nine great categories is both means and ends.The Chinese character“fu福”means auspiciousness and blessings.The character“ji极”in“liuji”should be read as“ji殛”,which means punishment.“Wu fu五福”refers to five kinds of blessings,while“liu ji六殛”includes six punishments for evil conducts.The essence of the Five Blessings is the cultivation of virtues.In the nine categories of the Great Norms,the five blessings and the six punishments are not only the individual purpose of pursing auspicious and avoiding inauspicious events,but also the means to those who govern his people and rule a state.There was a divergence in the correspondence of the five blessings and the six punishments between Confucian scholars of the Han and Song dynasties.In terms of the textual content,the longevity and an end crowning a good life correspond to the premature death,wealth to poverty,physical and mental health to sickness and sadness,and cultivation of excellent virtue to inferiority and weakness.The category of blessings and punishments implies the thought of virtue and good fortune according with each other,and implicitly confirms that the monarch have got the divinity from the Heaven.There exists a clear causal relationship not only among the five activities,the five arrangements of time and the general verifications,but also among the supreme standard,the three virtues and the categories of blessings and punishments.In the explanation of the Confucian scholars in Han dynasties,the five activities,the supreme standard,the general verifications and the categories of blessings and punishments are associated.Therefore,all of the nine categories had been connected together by the scholars in Han dynasties and developed into a complicated theoretical system,which comprises several thoughts such as:heaven and human responding to each other,the calamity and paranormal phenomenon as the condemnation and warning from heaven,auspicious omens or ominous portent,and t
作者 丁四新 Ding Sixin
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期62-71,共10页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“出土简帛四古本《老子》综合研究”(15ZDB006)。
关键词 《尚书》 《洪范》 福殛畴 五福 六极 六殛 The Book of Documents the Great Norms category of blessings and punishments Five Blessings Six Punishments
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