

Study on Ancestor-worshipping During the Bride-welcoming
摘要 礼经与早期文献所载的亲迎告庙礼并非限定于亲迎当日,而是在亲迎事宜既定后到亲迎前的时间段内特择一日举行。这一做法也成为唐以来多数朝代天子纳后的惯例。自品官以下至士庶阶层,历代官方礼典则多规定在亲迎当日的清晨告庙,民间婚仪为缩短婚礼仪程亦多选择临行前告祖。两宋时不仅有亲迎前告祖,新婿至女家后还要拜女家先祖,甚至有新妇至男家后新人共拜家庙的环节。朱熹《家礼》明确了男女两家在亲迎当日须分别告庙,明清时期民间婚仪大多依据《家礼》,这一婚俗随之固定下来,至今仍在许多地区延续,成为新人在婚礼这一重要的人生过渡礼仪中与家族沟通融合、获得身心安顿的重要途径。 The ancestor-worshipping etiquette recorded in etiquette books and ancient literatures doesn't have to be conducted exactly on the day of bride-welcoming,instead,another day can be specially selected within the period from the day when the bride-welcoming matters are already confirmed to the day of its execution.This practice has also become a convention for emperors in most dynasties since the Tang Dynasty when they get married with their empresses.From the rank of officials to the class of common people,most of them were required to conduct this etiquette in the morning of the bride-welcoming day as per the official requirements about etiquettes in the past dynasties;for civil marriages,most people chose to carry out ancestor-worshipping before departure so as to shorten the duration of the wedding ceremony;during the Song Dynasties,the etiquette was performed not only before the bride-welcoming,the bride's ancestors also needed to be worshipped by the bridegroom after he arrived at the bride's home,in some places,when the new couple went back to the bridegroom's home,they even had to together conduct the etiquette again.The Family Etiquettes by Zhu Xi explicitly stipulates that the bride and the bridegroom need to conduct the ancestor-worshipping etiquette respectively.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,most folk wedding ceremonies followed this rule,thus,this wedding custom was fixed consequently,which continues to the present day in many places and becomes an important approach for new couples to communicate and integrate with the whole family and obtain the settlement of body and mind during their wedding ceremony,an important etiquette for their lives'transition.
作者 田琛 关长龙 TIAN Chen;GUAN Chang-long
出处 《北京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第10期46-55,共10页 Social Sciences of Beijing
关键词 婚礼 亲迎 告庙 礼俗 《仪礼》 wedding ceremony bride-welcoming worshiping ancestors in the temple etiquette and custom the Ceremonial Etiquette
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