
增程式电机控制器高效热分析与研究 被引量:1

High Efficiency Thermal Analysis and Research of Incremental Motor Inverter
摘要 针对一款增程式电机控制器的散热需求,设计了增程式电机控制器及其高效的双面水冷散热器,并介绍了该增程控制器整体结构和其散热器冷却结构。为了进一步研究其散热器冷却效果,分别对该增程式电机控制器的功率模块和薄膜电容进行了热仿真研究和台架温升测试。通过对比分析可知,该增程式电机控制器散热器冷却结构具有良好的散热效果,能够满足在发动机周围长时间工作的需求,对于同类型增程式电机控制器的结构设计具有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。 According to the heat dissipation requirements of an incremental motor inverter,the incremental motor inverter and its efficient double-sided water-cooled radiator were designed,and the overall structure of the incremental motor inverter and its radiator cooling structure were introduced.For in-depth research of the cooling effect of the radiator,the thermal simulation research and bench temperature rise test of the power module and film capacitor were carried out respectively.Through comparative analysis,it can be seen that the designed radiator cooling structure of the incremental motor inverter has a good cooling effect,and it can meet the needs of working around the engine for a long time.It has certain reference value for the structural design of the same type of incremental motor inverter.
作者 陈登峰 周诗君 CHEN Deng-feng;ZHOU Shi-jun(Shanghai Automotive Electric Drive Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201806,China)
出处 《微特电机》 2021年第11期34-37,共4页 Small & Special Electrical Machines
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFB0104700)。
关键词 增程式电机控制器 冷却结构 热仿真 温升测试 incremental motor inverter cooling structure thermal simulation temperature rise test
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