某高速公路某段填方路基中心填高16 m,局部地段填方放坡高度为18 m,地面横坡平缓,地面自然坡度3°~8°,呈台阶状,总体坡度约7°,地下水较为丰富,局部基岩出露为灰岩、砂岩夹泥岩,岩层坡向与地面坡向顺倾,倾角14°,按照一般填方路基填筑时,上部填方加载导致路基发生整体变形形成滑坡。本文对位于地面横坡平缓的填方边坡稳定性进行了计算分析,总结了边坡稳定性影响因素及边坡变形特征。在基岩顺倾的地面上填筑路基,即使填筑高度较小,仍然会导致路堤失稳,引发上部路基产生滑移形成滑坡。填方边坡采用了地基处理、碎石盲沟、串联集水井、抗滑桩等综合处治措施,取得了良好的效果。
The fi lling height in the center of a section of an expressway is 16 m,the fi lling slope height in some sections is 18 m,the cross slope of the ground is gentle,the natural slope of the ground is 3°~8°,in the shape of steps,and the overall slope is about 7°.The groundwater is abundant,and the local bedrock is exposed as limestone,sandstone and mudstone.The rock slope is inclined to the ground slope with an inclination of 14°,The loading of the upper fi ll leads to the overall deformation of the subgrade and the formation of landslide.In this paper,the stability of fi lling slope with gentle ground cross slope is calculated and analyzed,and the influencing factors of slope stability and slope deformation characteristics are summarized.If the subgrade is fi lled on the ground where the bedrock is inclined,even if the fi lling height is small,it will still lead to the instability of the embankment and the sliding of the upper subgrade to form a landslide.Comprehensive treatment measures such as foundation treatment,gravel blind ditch,series water collecting well and anti slide pile have been adopted for the fi lling slope,and good results have been achieved.
LIU Bingjun(China MCC17 Group Co.,Ltd.,Maanshan Anhui 243000)
Intelligent Building and Construction Machinery
foundation treatment
anti slide pile
foundation grouting
series sump