
不曾远去的盛会:第四次世界妇女大会及纪念活动管窥 被引量:1

The Grand Event Not Far Away:A Glimpse of the Fourth World Conference on Women and Its Commemorative Activities
摘要 1995年在北京召开的联合国第四次世界妇女大会已经过去四分之一个世纪了,不少老年人十分怀念那些岁月,很多中年人差不多忘记了那段历史,年轻人就不曾知道那些过往了。每当世妇会逢五逢十的时候,联合国都会从国家、区域、国际三个层面对第四次世界妇女大会决议的执行情况进行评估,以促进世妇会制定的各项战略目标落到实处。在联合国的语言中,习惯称这些逢五逢十的纪念活动为北京+5、北京+10、北京+15……本文用记述的方法,简要回顾联合国第四次世界妇女大会的盛况以及它的历次纪念评估活动,以重温历史,直面当下,走向未来。 A quarter of a century has passed since "The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women" took place in Beijing, China in 1995. Many elderly people are very nostalgic about the historical moment, many middle-aged people have almost forgotten it, and many young people are not aware of that past moment. Since the World Women?s Conference was held in Beijing, every five years, the United Nations reviews and appraises the implementation of the resolutions of the World Women?s Conference in 1995 at the national, regional and international levels to promote the implementation of the strategic objectives set in 1995. In the language of the United Nations, it is customary to refer to these commemorative events as Beijing+5, Beijing +10 and Beijing +15 …. This article briefly reviews the Fourth World Conference on Women and its previous commemorative reviews and appraisals through a narrative approach in order to revisit history, face the present and move towards the future.
作者 刘伯红 LIU Bo-hong(Department of Feminism,China Women's University,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第6期90-99,共10页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 世妇会 北京宣言 行动纲领 回顾评估 The World Women?s Conference Beijing Declaration Platform for Action review and appraisal
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