在内河航道提升改建过程中,过往建设的桥梁通航净高较低,不能满足高等级航道的通航需求,往往成为航道提升过程中的限制因素。桥梁顶升技术对既有桥梁的改造相比拆除重建方案节约资金、节省工期。现以长湖申线航道西延工程紫梅桥改建工程为例,该桥采用PLC液压同步顶升系统,液压千斤顶与机械跟随千斤顶组合的顶升方法,安全、快速地完成了对紫梅桥全桥整体顶升的改建任务,使改建后主桥通航孔满足60 m×7 m限制性Ⅲ级航道通航净空,达到航道提升的改建目标。顶升改建方案节约建设资金、缩短施工周期,具有良好的经济及社会效益。
In the improvement and reconstruction of inland waterway, the bridge construction in the past cannot meet the navigable demands of high-class waterway because of lower clear height, which often becomes the limiting factor in the improving process of waterway. The bridge jacking-up technology saves the funds and shortens the construction period in the reconstruction of the existing bridges comparing with the demolition and rebuilding scheme. Taking the Zimei Bridge Reconstruction Project in Changhu Lake Shen Waterway West Extension Project as an example, the PLC hydraulic synchronous jacking-up system is used for this bridge. The jacking method of combining the hydraulic jack with the mechanical flowing jack can safely and quickly complete the integral jacking-up reconstruction task of the whole Zimei Bridge to make the main bridge navigable span meet the navigable clear height of 60 m×7 m limiting Class Ⅲ waterway, which reaches the reconstruction objective of the waterway improvement. The jacking-up reconstruction scheme saves the construction funds, shortens the construction period and has the good economic and social benefits.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
bridge jacking-up
hydraulic jack
mechanical following jack