目前,戏曲文化逐步走向"老龄化",面临着流失的风险。结合青年的兴趣,采用Android和Unity 3D开发平台,通过Face++人脸融合、OpenGL ES和Vuforia AR技术,设计并实现一款包含AI戏曲人物换脸、3D剧院展示和AR戏曲人物展示的戏曲文化类Android应用。App丰富了戏曲元素的展现形式,拉近青年群体与戏曲之间的距离,让他们关注戏曲、喜爱戏曲,为我国戏曲文化注入新鲜血液。
At present,the opera culture is gradually becoming″aging″and is facing the risk of loss.Combining the interests of young people,using Android and Unity 3D development platform,through Fac++face fusion,OpenGL ES and Vuforia AR technology,this paper designs and implements a drama culture category that includes AI drama characters face change,3D theater display and AR drama character display Android application.App enriches the display form of opera elements,shortens the distance between the youth group and opera,allows them to pay attention to opera and love opera,and inject fresh blood into the Chinese opera culture.
Industrial Control Computer