位于特里凡得琅繁华的市中心,基地面积有限,四周被其他住宅所包围。该住宅的设计理念为营造朝向建筑内部的空间,所有空间都指向漏斗型的中央庭院。东西走向并设有开孔,以最大程度实现对流通风。特里凡得琅的城市肌理中有许多Laurie Baker的建筑杰作,几乎宛如他名片的一部分,然而这次场地的空斗墙砌筑法似乎不再为他提供开挖土方和土坯砌筑的机会。
Located smack in the middle of an urban and crowded locale of Trivandrum,the site was a small plot that was being suffocated by other residential projects from all four sides.The idea of this residence was to have an inward facing house with all its spaces opening into a funneling central courtyard.The house is aligned in the East-West direction with openings facilitating for maximum cross-ventilation.
World Architecture Review