
我国体育用品对外贸易发展现状研究 被引量:10

Research on the Current Situation of Chinese Sports Goods Foreign Trade Development
摘要 为系统研究我国体育用品对外贸易发展现状,从贸易规模、贸易结构、贸易地位3个方面构建了分析框架。研究发现,在贸易规模方面,近年我国体育用品对外贸易出口总额数量巨大,但增长率呈现负增长,同时,我国体育用品对外贸易进口总额数量巨大,增长率也呈现出正增长,表明我国是体育用品对外贸易出口大国,但也逐渐呈现出贫困化增长态势。在贸易结构方面,我国体育用品对外贸易出口的产品主要集中于训练、健身、竞赛类运动器材及设备、运动鞋、运动服装、户外装备、球类等附加值较低,单位产品价格相对较低的劳动密集型产品,我国体育用品对外贸易出口市场集中度及进口市场集中度的CR8均是寡占型市场结构,体育用品对外贸易不论是出口国内区域结构,还是进口国内区域结构都主要集中于东部地区,呈现出区域偏歧性,体育用品对外贸易主体结构呈现出外资企业主导的格局。在贸易地位方面,国际市场份额、贸易平衡值等指标表明我国是国际市场份额巨大的体育用品出口国;我国体育用品对外贸易的贸易竞争指数(trade competition index,TC)、显示性比较优势指数(revealed comparative advantage index,RCA)、净出口显示性比较优势指数(net export revealed comparative advantage index,NRCA)显示,我国出口居于前列的劳动密集型产品具有较强的国际市场竞争力,但不能掩饰依托产业转移式对外贸易优势发展的我国体育用品对外贸易,在体育用品产业全球价值链中处于生产、加工、组装等低附加值的低端环节和经济效益较低的现实困境;而全球价值链分工地位、出口产品价格、出口产品技术含量、出口产品增加值、跨国公司国际分工等分析我国体育用品对外贸易国际分工地位的指标则进一步显示,我国体育用品对外贸易国际分工地位较低,亟待提升。 In order to systematic study the current situation of Chinese sports goods foreign trade development,this paper constructs an analytical framework from three aspects:Trade scale,trade structure and trade status.Through research,it is found that in terms of trade scale,the total export volume of Chinese sports goods in recent years is huge but the growth rate has shown a negative growth.Meanwhile,the total amount of foreign trade imports of sports goods in China is numerous,and the growth rate has also shown positive growth.It shows that China is a exporter of sporting goods in foreign trade,but in recent years it has shown a trend of immiserizing growth.In terms of trade structure,Chinese exports of sports goods are mainly labor intensive products in areas of training,fitness,competitive sports equipment,sports shoes,sportswear,outdoor equipment,balls,and other products of low added value,and the price of unit products is relatively cheap.CR8 of Chinese sports goods export market concentration and import market concentration are all oligopolistic market structures.The sports goods of foreign trade are mainly concentrated in eastern region in both exporting domestic regional structure and importing domestic regional structure.The eastern region shows regional disparity,and the main structure of foreign trade of sporting goods shows a pattern dominated by foreign-funded enterprises.In terms of trade status,indicators such as international market share and trade balance show that China is a major exporter of sporting goods with a large international market share.Trade competition index(TC),revealed comparative advantage index(RCA),net of Chinese sports goods foreign trade the net export revealed comparative advantage index(NRCA)show that some of the labor-intensive products of Chinese exports have strong or even strong international market competitiveness,but they cannot conceal the fact that the foreign trade of Chinese sporting goods relies on the development of industrial transfer-oriented foreign trade.In the gl
作者 纪惠芬 杨明 JI Huifen;YANG Ming(Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China;Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121,China)
出处 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第10期89-96,共8页 China Sport Science and Technology
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(15BTY048)。
关键词 体育用品 对外贸易 现状 sports goods foreign trade current situation
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