
我国城市空间生产的实践逻辑及其空间张力 被引量:1

Practical Logic and Spatial Tension of Urban Space Production
摘要 城市化进程不仅是城市空间生产和再生产的物质过程,也是社会关系不断裂变与重组的社会过程。改革开放四十多年来,城市空间的生产性、消费性、智慧性及规训性等意义与价值日益凸显。但须警醒的是,“物质空间的城市化”不同于“社会空间的城市化”,更不同于“人的现代化”。短期快速的城市空间运动侵蚀着城市社会空间的平等性和多样性,引起了城市社会空间张力。新时代城市空间的生产与再生产须充分认识到空间蕴含的社会性意蕴,重构以空间正义为基本准则的空间生产观,保障社会公众的空间权利。 Urbanization is not only a material process of production and reproduction of urban space,but also a social process of continuous breakage and reorganization of social relations.The urbanization process in more than 40 years of reform and opening up has shaped the significance and value of productivity,consumption,intelligence,and discipline of urban space.But what must be vigilant is that“urbanization of material space”is different from“urbanization of social space”and even more different from“modernization of human beings”.The short-term rapid urban space movement has eroded equality and diversity of urban social space and caused tension in urban social space.In the production and reproduction of urban space in the new era,we need to be fully aware of social implications of space,reconstruct the concept of space production with space justice as the basic criterion,and protect the space rights of the general public.
作者 管其平 GUAN Qi-ping(School of Social and Political Sciences,Anhui University,Hefei Anhui 230601,China)
出处 《太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第5期48-54,62,共8页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 合肥市长丰县双墩镇“城乡社区治理创新”研究项目(2019FCFN0398)。
关键词 空间社会学 城市空间 多重逻辑 空间张力 空间正义 spatial sociology urban space multiple logic spatial tension space justice
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