地铁作为先进城市中最具代表性的交通工具,其安全性备受重视,预防地铁中突发事件发生以及事中应急管理已成为国家关注的重点。本文采用BIM技术创建地铁站信息模型,通过PyroSim火灾模拟软件,分析站台起火在不同客流量条件下,位于2.0 m高度处烟气温度、可见度、CO浓度分布,获得相应疏散时间,利用Pathfinder人员疏散仿真工具,计算出地铁站人员疏散数量,并采取优化手段进行对比。结果表明:三个因素中烟气蔓延所需时间最短,地铁站台层在规定时间内人员无法安全疏散,优化对比证明了挡烟垂壁的有效性。研究成果可同时为地铁站设计、地铁正常运营情况下安全管理、突发火灾情况下的应急管理提供参考。
As the most representative means of transportation in advanced cities,the safety of the subway is highly valued.The prevention of emergencies in the subway and the emergency management in the event become the focus of national attention.In this paper,BIM technology is used to create a subway station information model,and PyroSim fire simulation software is used to analyze the smoke temperature,visibility,and CO concentration distribution at a height of 2.0 m under different passenger flow conditions.The simulation tool calculates the number of people evacuated in the subway station,and take optimization methods for comparison.The results show that among the three factors,the time required for the spread of smoke is the shortest,and people on the subway platform cannot be safely evacuated within the specified time.The optimized comparison proves the effectiveness of the smoke hanging wall.The research results can also provide references for subway station design,subway safety management under normal conditions,and emergency management in case of sudden fire.
ZHANG Runqi(School of Safety Engineering,North China Institute of Science and Technology,Yanjiao,065201,China)
Journal of North China Institute of Science and Technology