
抗日战争时期中国共产党在延安地区的体育实践 被引量:6

Research on the Sports Practice of the Communist Party of China in Yan’an During the Anti-Japanese War
摘要 延安地区体育是抗日战争时期在以延安为中心的陕甘宁边区发展的体育运动的统称,既是中国近代新民主主义体育的重要组成部分,也是“红色体育”发展历程中的一个特殊阶段。在抗日战争时期,中国共产党在根据地的体育实践因战争原因及窘迫的物质条件而变得因陋就简,但边区的学校体育发展卓有成效。延安地区体育的建设经验对新中国成立后体育事业的建设与发展意义重大。运用文献研究法对与陕甘宁边区政府相关的文献及相关论文进行分析,梳理了延安地区体育的形成与发展历程,分析了抗日战争时期延安地区体育的特点和作用,即军事体育是延安地区体育的重要组成部分、延安地区体育极大地激发了根据地军民的革命斗志。应汲取延安边区体育将学校体育与竞技体育、群众体育融合发展的经验,结合新中国体育发展中的具体实践,进一步促进新中国体育的创新发展。 Yan’an regional sports is the general name of the sports practice in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region centered on Yan’an during the Anti-Japanese War.It is not only an important part of China’s modern new democratic sports,but also a special stage in the development process of“red sports”.During the Anti-Japanese War period,the sports practice carried out by the Communist Party of China in the base region appeared to be simple because of the reasons of the war and the poor material conditions,but the school physical education in the border region achieved fruitful development.The construction experience of sports in Yan’an region is of great significance to the construction and development of sports after the founding of the People’s Republic of China.Using the method of literature research,this paper analyzes the relevant documents and papers issued by the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region government,combs the formation and development process of sports in Yan’an region,and analyzes the historical role of sports practice in Yan’an region during the Anti-Japanese War.Military sports is an important part of sports in Yan’an region;sports in Yan’an greatly stimulated the revolutionary fighting spirit of the army and the people in the base region.We should learn from the experience of the integrated development of school physical education,competitive sports and mass sports in the sports in Yan’an border region,combined with the specific practice of the development of sports in the People’s Republic of China,so as to further promote the innovative development of sports of the People’s Republic of China.
作者 马敬 MA Jing(Capital University of Physical Education And Sports,Beijing 100191,China)
机构地区 首都体育学院
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期575-580,共6页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
关键词 抗战时期 中国共产党 延安地区 陕甘宁边区 学校体育 红色体育 体育教育 群众体育 anti-Japanese war period the Communist Party of China Yan’an region Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region school physical education red sports physical education mass sports
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