
甘肃省车路沟北金矿找矿方向探讨: 来自阿尔金断裂带东段“金三角”金矿控矿因素对比研究的启迪 被引量:5

A discussion of prospecting direction for the Chelugoubei Gold Deposit in Gansu Province:The enlightening from contrast analysis of the geological conditions of"Golden Triangle"gold deposits in eastern segment of Altyn fault shearing zones
摘要 甘肃省玉门市车路沟北金矿地处北祁连造山带西端和阿尔金韧性剪切带东段交汇部位,是区域上著名的西北“金三角”。该矿的形成与阿尔金左行韧性剪切带关系密切并且产出受其次级分支断裂带的控制;古生界在区域上普遍含金较高,是该矿主要的矿源层;区域岩浆活动强烈,与金矿(化)体紧密伴生,车路沟花岗闪长杂岩体为该矿形成提供热源和部分矿源。结合区域成矿背景,采用区域矿床综合类比的方法,详细对比了车路沟北金矿区和寒山金矿、鹰嘴山金矿、滴水山金矿、牛毛泉东金矿、胡湾子金矿、南湖西金矿、红口子金矿、车路沟金矿以及昌马金矿等“金三角”金矿在地层-构造-岩浆岩-物化遥异常特征等控矿因素以及矿体、矿石、围岩蚀变等矿床地质特征等等方面的情况。研究结果表明:车路沟北金矿和上述诸金矿控矿因素基本类同,矿床地质特征极其相似,作为“金三角”金矿带在北东方向上的延伸,具备深部隐伏较大规模矿床的潜力。在此基础上进一步系统总结了“金三角”金矿的找矿模型,探讨了找矿标志和找矿方向。研究成果能对本矿区以及北祁连地区构造蚀变岩型金矿床进一步的勘查工作有所启迪。 Chelugoubei Gold Deposit in Yumen City,Gansu Province is located at the intersection of the western North Qilian Orogenic Belts and eastern Altyn Tagh Sinistral strike-slip fault shearing zones,which is a famous"golden triangle"in Northwest China.The formation of the deposit is closely related to the left-side Altyn fault shearing zone and the output is controlled by the secondary branch fault zone.The Paleozoic stratum is the main source layer of the mine,which is generally high in gold content in the region.The regional magmatic activity is strong and closely associated with the gold(mineralization)body.The Chelugou granodiorite complex provides heat source and part mine source for the deposit.Combined with the regional metallogenic background and using the method of comprehensive analogy of regional deposits,the authors compared the ore-controlling factors,such as strata structure magmatic rock physicochemical remote anomaly characteristics,as well as ore bodies,ores surrounding rock alteration and other geological characteristics of the deposits in detail,including Chelugoubei Gold Deposit,Hanshan Deposit,Yingzuishan Deposit,Dishuishan Deposit and other"gold triangle"deposits.It can be concluded that the Chellugoubei Gold Deposit has similar ore-controlling factors and very similar geological characteristics with the above-mentioned gold deposits.As an extension of the"Golden Triangle"gold belt in the Northeast China,it has the potential of concealed large-scale deep deposit.On this basis,the prospecting model of"Golden Triangle"gold deposits is further systematically summarized,and the prospecting criteria and prospecting direction have been discussed.The research result can provide some enlightenment for the further exploration of tectonic altered rock type gold deposit in this area and the North Qilian area.
作者 刘彦良 高雅 魏金栋 Liu Yanliang;Gao Ya;Wei Jindong(Gansu institute of Geological survey for Nonferrous Metals,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《地质科技通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期198-209,共12页 Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology
基金 中央补助地方地质勘查基金项目“甘肃省玉门市车路沟金矿普查”。
关键词 构造蚀变岩型 控矿因素对比研究 车路沟北金矿 阿尔金韧性剪切带 北祁连造山带 hydrothermal alteration mineralized zone controled by fault zone-tape contrast analysis of the geological conditions Chelugoubei Gold Deposit Altyn Tagh sinistral strike-slip fault shearing zone North Qilian Orogenic Belt
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