The prasanga(reductio ad absurdum) and prasangaviparyaya(reversion from the prasanga’s statement by means of the contraposition) are an important group of argumen-tation methods in Buddhist epistemology. Studies on them have been mostly focused on the interpretations of Dignāga, Dharmakīrti and their later scholars, with occasional at-tention to Bhāviveka, a Madhyamaka scholar. It is well known that the prasanga was a means of argument relied upon by Mādhyamikas, especially by Candrakīrti, later known as a * Prāsangika. However, it is surprising that the previous studies have generally overlooked Candrakīrti in their examination of the prasanga and the prasangaviparyaya,despite the fact that Candrakīrti reshaped the meaning of the prasanga with the theory of the three kinds of inferences, namely inferences accepted by self, by others and by both.This paper, based on an analysis of the text of Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā, points out that both Bhāviveka and Candrakīrti inherited Dignāga’s practice of using the prasan-gaviparyaya to justify the legitimacy of the prasanga;however, they differ in that the former, just like Dignāga, regards the proof of the prasangaviparyaya as an inference accepted by both, while the latter regards it as an inference accepted by others. This is the key difference between Candrakīrti and his sources of thought, Dignāga and Bhāviveka,as well as Dharmakīrti and his successors.
Studies in Logic