乡村振兴关键在于人才振兴,大力培育新型职业农民是助力乡村人才振兴的重要途径。本文选择新型职业农民培育典型模式之一的广西进行实证检验,根据广西现代青年农场主学院多期培训班学员的第一手调查数据,运用Ordered Probit模型对影响农场主培训满意度的因素进行探讨。研究结果显示:培训有效增进了农场主在生产经营管理方面的多维能力;农场主学员的培训满意度普遍较高;农场主对培训后自身能力提升的感知、对培训教师的信任、对组织管理的满意度、对教学内容的满意度、对培训保障的满意度等因素,对农场主总体满意度产生显著影响。应以农民培训需求为导向,提升农民职业教育精准性;以健全培训体制机制为重点,补齐农民职业教育条件短板;以实施新型培训项目为抓手,拓展职业农民培育广度与深度;以加强校友会平台建设为契机,厚植友谊、增进互信、深化合作。
The key to rural revitalization lies in the revitalization of talents, and therefore, vigorously cultivating new-type professional farmers is an essential way to help revitalize rural talents. This paper selects Guangxi, one of the typical patterns of new-type professional farmer cultivation, to conduct empirical testing, and uses Ordered Probit model to study the factors influencing farmer training satisfaction based on the first-hand data of multiple training classes of Guangxi Modern Young Farmers Institute. The research results show that the training has effectively advanced the farmers’ multi-dimensional capabilities in agricultural production, operation and management;the training satisfaction of the farmer trainees is generally high;the farmers’ perception of the improvement of their own abilities after training as well as trust in the training teachers, and factors such as farmers’ satisfaction with organization management, satisfaction with teaching content, and satisfaction with training guarantees have a significant impact on training satisfaction. We should be guided by farmers’ training needs to improve the accuracy of farmers’ vocational education, focus on perfecting training systems and mechanisms to make up for the shortcomings of education and training conditions, take the implementation of new training projects as a starting point to expand the breadth and depth of vocational farmers’ training, plus grasp the opportunity of strengthening the construction of the alumni association platforms so as to build friendship, enhance mutual trust and deepen cooperation.
LU Quan-zhi;FAN Zhi-lian(School of Economics and Management in Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing,Jiangsu,210037;Research Institute for New Rural Development of Guangxi University,Nanning,Guangxi,530004)
Contemporary Continuing Education