
伽达默尔游戏论真理观的内在逻辑——兼论对其真理观相对主义的质疑 被引量:1

Research on the Inner Logic of Truth View of Gadamer s Game Theory-With Reference to the Doubt of the Relativism of His Truth View
摘要 伽达默尔的诠释学真理观无疑为近代以来被自然科学所把持的真理理解带来一全新视角。从游戏视角切入真理,可以为之提供一个新的理解思路,并更好揭明其诠释学真理观的内在诉求。将游戏与真理关联,需要明确诠释学异化经验这个基本前提,并经由语言游戏作为中介。如此,诠释学真理便进入语言游戏论域而在语言中获得其普遍化形式,并在语言理解实践中得以呈显。在这层意义上,诠释学真理可以理解为游戏论真理或“真理游戏”,更确切地说是语言游戏论的真理。从游戏进入真理,这也有助于通过游戏的独特性质之界定为其真理观所遭遇的相对主义批评提供一条新的辩护路径。游戏过程是一个自由和责任共存的过程,正是被游戏责任所限制,所以游戏者并不能任意地进行游戏,作为真理游戏参与者的理解者亦不能任意进行理解和解释。 In terms of the hermeneutic truth view put forward by Gadamer,there is no doubt that a new perspective is brought for the truth understanding under the guidance of natural science since modern times.In the meantime,a new way for the understanding of truth can be provided by starting from the perspective of game,which also reveals the inner demands of hermeneutic truth view in a better way.When it comes to the association between game and truth,it has the necessity to clarify the basic premise of hermeneutic alienation experience,which should also take language game as the intermediary.Based on this,it brings the entry of hermeneutic truth into the field of language game,which can get its universal form in language,and can be embodied in the practice of language understanding.From this point,hermeneutic truth can be regarded as game theory truth or“game of truth”.To be more specific,it can be regarded as the truth of language game theory.To get truth through game can help to provide a new defense path for the exploration of for the relativistic criticism of his truth view in line with the definition of the unique nature of game.
作者 陈太明 Chen Taiming(School of Marxism,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan 250100,P.R.China)
出处 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期139-148,共10页 Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“对话伦理学的‘应用’转向研究”(20YJC720003)。
关键词 真理游戏 异化经验 游戏存在论 语言游戏 相对主义 Game of truth Alienation experience Game ontology Language game Relativism
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