Since world War Ⅱ,the Asia-pacific Alliance System of the United States has faced a series of management dilemmas in its gradual progress,such as several changes in the strategic objectives of the alliance,declining internal cohesion,decreasing leadership of the alliance,and its descending international credibility. There are several important reasons: First,China is mistakenly regarded as the strategic goal of the Asia-Pacific Alliance,resulting in the dilemma of "taking side" for allies;Second,due to the reduced security needs of alliance members,the degree of reciprocity between the United States and its Asia-Pacific allies has decreased,giving rise to increased centrifugal force within the alliance;Third,the United States even measures the value of the Asia-Pacific alliance with money,causing serious mistrust among allies. In addition,the alliance is also affected by the personal factors of the US president. Looking ahead,the Biden administration attaches great importance to the role of the alliance,but it is difficult to solve the persistent problems within the Asia Pacific Alliance. The reduced sense of trust between the United States and Europe has a negative transmission effect on the United States Asia-Pacific alliance. The increasing Chinese factors have increased the security costs of American allies’ "Side-picking" and even eliminated the value of the United States Asia-Pacific alliance.
Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs