中国是全球家猪驯化起源地之一,中国古代家猪的驯化和饲养一直是学界关注的重点。目前,碳、氮稳定同位素视角下中国北方粟黍农业体系中家猪的饲喂策略已经基本清晰。然而,地处"稻粟混作区"的淮河流域新石器时代家猪的管理和饲养策略研究相对匮乏。本文对安徽淮北渠沟遗址(约6700~4000 BC)出土的猪等动物骨骼开展碳、氮稳定同位素分析,探讨该遗址的家猪饲养等问题。结果显示,猪群的稳定同位素值非常相近,整体以C_(3)类植物为食,与野生动物的食物结构很相似。已有的动物考古研究显示,渠沟遗址的猪群构成复杂,既包括家猪,也有部分野猪和家/野杂交等个体,但无法根据稳定同位素对其进行区分,反映出对家猪采用松散的饲养方式,让其在居址周围觅食。早、晚期猪群的碳、氮稳定同位素值存在明显差异,结合渠沟及周围遗址的植物考古研究推断,晚期对猪的管理趋于强化,但仍为较松散的管理方式,并非中原地区的圈养策略。渠沟遗址及所在淮河流域农业长期不发达,且周围自然资源丰富,家猪饲养的驱动力不足,发展较缓慢。
China is one of origins of pig domestication across the world,and issues concerning pig domestication and husbandry strategy are the focuses.To date,the pig husbandry strategy in Central Plains and Northern China where millets were widely cultivated is clear through a number of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope studies,in contrast,knowledge of pig husbandry practice along the Huai River valley where millets and rice were planted is obscure.In this present study,a stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis is performed on animal bones from Qugou site(33°57'N,116°45'E)focusing on the strategy of pig husbandry.Qugou is located along Old Sui River,a branch of Huai River.AMS 14C dating revealed that Qugou is dated to ca.6700 BC to 4000 BC,and could be divided into two phases:early(ca.6700~5700 BC)and late(ca.4300~4000 BC).Previous archaeobotanical analysis showed that millets and rice were cultivated by Qugou people,but gathering was still very important to their subsistence.In total 59 animal bones were sampled from species of suid,deer,dog,bird,and cattle/buffalo.The stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of deer(-22.1‰~-17.2‰,N=15)indicated that C_(3) plants were predominant in the surrounding,and some aquatic plants with higherδ13C values were also available.Theδ13C(-22.9‰~-16.9‰)andδ15N(4.6‰~8.3‰)values of all suids(N=25)are comparative to those of other wild animal species,suggesting that almost all suids relied on a C_(3)-based diet.Although it is argued through zooarchaeological studies that domestic,wild and other forms of suids were exploited by Qugou residents,all suid samples are not distinguished by stable isotope values.Thus,it is deduced that domestic pigs were probably managed in a free-range manner at Qugou.A diachronic change in terms of stable isotope values of suids is detected.Suids of early phase had stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of-22.9‰~-18.4‰and 4.7‰~8.3‰(N=20),respectively.In comparison,suids of late phase had slightly higher stable carbon isotope v
DAI Lingling;ZHANG Yizhong(School of History,Culture and Tourism,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116081,Liaoning;Institute of Archaeological Science,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433;Anhui Provincial Institute of Archaeology,Hefei 230061,Anhui)
Quaternary Sciences
Qugou site
stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis
pig husbandry strategy